3505 S Dairy Ashford Rd #296, Houston, TX 77082



How to make payments

Go on the RPMI and click on giving and under the drop-down menu.. you can choose the different forms of payments.

How do we cancel… if logged in or signed out

If you create a user profile you can cancel in the app but if you do not have a profile you have to contact support.

Can I make payments outside the United States?

Yes, you can.. click on giving on the RPMI app and then the debit/credit card under the menu of location click on other and then proceed to sending payments.. Thank you

ON what streams can I watch the RPMI videos

It is available on YouTube Royal Place Ministries and Facebook

No video sound on iPhone

Remove your phone from mute on the side and the sound will automatically turn on.

Are we charged a processing fee for payments?

Yes the processing fee is automatically charged. These would be displayed with the total amount at the point of payment.